
Lotion polymer for drilling and production fluid is a kind of drilling fluid treatment agent

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  • Release time: 2024-05-06

The lotion polymer for drilling and production fluid is a drilling fluid treatment agent, which is made of various materials, including caustic soda, acrylic acid solution, 2-methyl-2-acrylamidopropane sulfonic acid, acrylamide, white oil, emulsifier Span-80, Span-60, Tween-80, initiator solution, etc. This polymer has the characteristics of uniform molecular weight distribution, latex like state, fast dissolution rate, and high efficiency.
Lotion polymer for drilling fluid plays an important role in drilling process. Firstly, it can clean the bottom of the well, carry rock debris, keep the bottom clean, avoid repeated cutting by the drill bit, reduce wear, and improve efficiency. Secondly, the lotion polymer can also cool and lubricate the drill bit and drill string, reduce the temperature of the drill bit, reduce the wear of the drill tool, and improve the service life of the drill tool. In addition, it can also balance the pressure on the rock side of the wellbore, form filter cakes on the wellbore, seal and stabilize the wellbore, and prevent contamination of oil and gas layers and wellbore collapse. At the same time, lotion polymer can balance (control) formation pressure, prevent blowout, lost circulation and formation fluid from polluting drilling fluid. Finally, it can also suspend rock debris and weighting agents, reducing rock debris settlement.
In practical application, lotion polymer for drilling and production fluid has been successfully used in the horizontal well drilling of gas wells and salt cavern gas storages in many oilfields. For example, in the horizontal well drilling of an oil field, the use of cationic lotion polymer drilling fluid system has successfully increased the drilling speed, reduced the drilling cost, effectively controlled the wellbore stability, and reduced the occurrence of drilling accidents. In the horizontal well drilling of a certain gas field, the polymer effectively solved technical problems such as wellbore instability and reservoir damage, improved reservoir protection effect, and reduced environmental pollution. In the horizontal well drilling of a salt cavern gas storage, the lotion polymer effectively enhanced the stability of the reservoir, improved the gas storage capacity, and extended the gas storage life.
In a word, lotion polymer for drilling and production fluid is an important drilling fluid treatment agent, which plays a variety of roles in the drilling process and can improve drilling efficiency, protect well walls and reservoirs, reduce drilling costs and environmental pollution. With the continuous development of drilling technology and the improvement of environmental protection requirements, the research and application of lotion polymers for drilling and production fluids will continue to progress and improve.

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