
Oilfield chemical additives play an important role in oilfield development

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  • Release time: 2024-05-06

Oilfield chemical additives refer to chemicals used in the process of oil extraction, processing, and storage to improve reservoir conditions, increase oil well production capacity, extend production cycles, or improve crude oil quality. These additives play an important role in oilfield development, aiming to improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, extend the lifespan of oil wells, and improve the quality and yield of crude oil.
Oilfield chemical additives mainly include the following categories:
Oilfield oil recovery additives: including viscosity reducing agents, filtration loss reducing agents, anti swelling agents, thickening agents, etc., used to improve the fluidity of oil wells, reduce the filtration loss of drilling fluid, prevent formation water from penetrating into drilling fluid, and protect oil and gas reservoirs.
Oilfield drilling aids: including drilling fluid treatment agents, completion fluid treatment agents, cementing cement additives, etc., used to improve drilling efficiency, protect wellbore walls, prevent environmental pollution, etc.
Oilfield production additives: including acidifiers, fracturing fluid additives, water plugging agents, sand control agents, etc., used to increase the production capacity and permeability of oil wells, and increase crude oil production.
Oilfield water treatment additives: including corrosion inhibitors, scale inhibitors, fungicides, etc., used to prevent corrosion, scaling, and pollution of oilfield water systems.
The application of these oilfield chemical additives needs to be selected and used based on specific oilfield conditions, mining processes, and environmental requirements. At the same time, with the continuous development of oilfield development technology and the improvement of environmental protection requirements, the research and application of oilfield chemical additives will also continue to progress and improve.

Dongsheng Petroleum Drilling and Production

We are a professional manufacturer of oilfield drilling and production additives series products

Contact person: Mr. Zhai        Contact phone number: +086-18639381789   
 Contact address: Xizhaiwan Village, Shuangmiao Township, Qingfeng County, Puyang City, Henan Province