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Organic silicon viscosity reducer for drilling fluids

The organic silicon viscosity reducer for drilling fluid is mainly composed of high-temperature stable silicon-based organic compounds and grafted with 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid as the raw material.
  • Detailed Description

Main ingredients

The organic silicon viscosity reducer for drilling fluid is mainly composed of high-temperature stable silicon-based organic compounds and grafted with 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid as the raw material.

Main ingredients

The product is a brownish uniform liquid, which is a silicon shale inhibitor with the ability to protect the wellbore.





Brown uniform liquid

Organic silicon content,%


ph value


Room temperature viscosity reduction rate (1% dosage),%

Freshwater slurry


Saltwater slurry


150 ℃/16h hot rolling viscosity reduction rate (1% dosage),%

Freshwater slurry


Saltwater slurry


180 ℃/16h hot rolling viscosity reduction rate (1% dosage),%

Freshwater slurry


Organic chlorine content,%


Note: Organic chlorine content testing is only performed for oil well applications, and not for gas well applications.

Product features

  1. Improved chemical stability;
  2. Improved high-temperature stability;
  3. While reducing the viscosity of drilling fluid, it has no impact on the various properties of the drilling fluid, with a temperature resistance of over 200 ℃


It can be directly added to drilling fluid or formulated into a solution for use.

Recommended dosage: (volume ratio) 1.0% to 5.0%.

Dongsheng Petroleum Drilling and Production

We are a professional manufacturer of oilfield drilling and production additives series products

Contact person: Mr. Zhai        Contact phone number: +086-18639381789   
 Contact address: Xizhaiwan Village, Shuangmiao Township, Qingfeng County, Puyang City, Henan Province