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Cationic asphalt powder for drilling fluid

Cationic asphalt powder for drilling fluid is a high-quality powdered asphalt treatment agent produced through special processes using natural asphalt and cationic surfactants. Its asphalt content is much higher than that of sulfonated asphalt, so it has excellent sealing effect.
  • Detailed Description

Main ingredients

Cationic asphalt powder for drilling fluid is a high-quality powdered asphalt treatment agent produced through special processes using natural asphalt and cationic surfactants. Its asphalt content is much higher than that of sulfonated asphalt, so it has excellent sealing effect.

Nature and Use

The product is a black powder, and the insoluble asphalt dispersed in drilling fluid can adsorb on the surface of shale, forming a thin, tough, and low-permeability hydrophobic oil film. It can also seal formation pores and microcracks under pressure difference, reducing the amount of filtrate invading the formation. Cationic groups have a good inhibitory effect, so this product can effectively inhibit the hydration and expansion of shale, prevent shale peeling and collapse, and stabilize the wellbore.

Main technical indicators




Black or black brown powder



Drying loss,%


Oil soluble content,%


Cationic degree,mmol/g


Relative expansion reduction rate,%


High temperature and high pressure filtration loss,mL


softening point,℃

Nominal value of formation temperature ± 10 ℃

Fluorescence level a, level


Product features

  1. Has good water dispersibility, no agglomeration or floating phenomenon;
  2. Has good shale inhibitory properties, can effectively inhibit shale hydration and expansion, prevent shale peeling and collapse, and stabilize the wellbore;
  3. It has a good sealing effect and can be combined with other plugging agents to improve its sealing effect:
  4. Has a good protective effect on oil and gas reservoirs;
  5. Not increasing viscosity, especially suitable for preparing high-density drilling and completion fluids;
  6. It has good compatibility with other treatment agents and can be directly added to various drilling and completion fluids with a dosage of 1% -3%.


Just mix it directly into the drilling fluid.

Recommended dosage: 1.0% -2.0%.

Dongsheng Petroleum Drilling and Production

We are a professional manufacturer of oilfield drilling and production additives series products

Contact person: Mr. Zhai        Contact phone number: +086-18639381789   
 Contact address: Xizhaiwan Village, Shuangmiao Township, Qingfeng County, Puyang City, Henan Province