
What are the main types of drilling and mining additives

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  • Release time: 2024-05-06

Drilling and production aids, also known as oilfield drilling aids, are important auxiliary materials in geological exploration. These additives play a crucial role in improving drilling efficiency, protecting wellbore walls, and preventing environmental pollution.
The main types of drilling and mining additives include viscosity increasing agents, filter loss reducing agents, weighting agents, inhibitors, and fungicides. Thickener can increase the viscosity of drilling fluid, improve its stability and lubricity; Filter reducer can reduce the filtration rate of drilling fluid, prevent formation water from penetrating into the drilling fluid, and protect the oil and gas reservoir; Weighting agents can increase the density of drilling fluid, improve its stability and lubricity; Inhibitors can inhibit chemical reactions in drilling fluids and prevent damage to oil and gas reservoirs; Fungicides can kill bacteria in drilling fluids and prevent damage to oil and gas reservoirs by bacteria.
The application range of drilling and production additives is wide, including oil drilling, natural gas drilling, and unconventional energy drilling. In oil drilling, drilling and production additives can improve the safety and efficiency of drilling, and increase the mining output of oil. In natural gas drilling, these additives can also improve the safety and efficiency of drilling and increase the mining output of natural gas. For drilling with unconventional energy such as shale gas and coal-bed methane, drilling and production additives can also play an important role in improving the safety and efficiency of drilling and increasing the mining output of unconventional energy.
Drilling fluid is an important component of drilling and production additives, which plays a role in breaking rock cores, carrying rock cuttings, lubricating and cooling drill bits, balancing formation pressure, and protecting wellbore walls. Drilling fluids can be divided into oil-based drilling fluids, water-based drilling fluids, emulsified drilling fluids, etc. based on their different basic materials. Among them, oil-based drilling fluid is based on petroleum and has the characteristics of good fluidity, good pollution resistance, and good cleaning ability. It is particularly suitable for drilling wells with pollutants and high temperatures. Water based drilling fluid is based on water and has the characteristics of environmental protection, low cost, dust suppression, and higher drilling efficiency. It can be widely used in places with high geographical environment requirements in the field.
The use of drilling and mining additives varies depending on the type of product and on-site conditions. For example, certain additives can be directly added to drilling fluid or formulated into a gel solution for use. The recommended usage amount may vary for different types of drilling fluids and drilling conditions. When using drilling and mining additives, attention should be paid to controlling the content and addition speed of bentonite to avoid problems such as clogging. At the same time, in high-density, high solid drilling fluid systems, certain additives should be used with caution to avoid adverse effects on the performance of the drilling fluid.
In summary, drilling and production additives play an important role in improving drilling efficiency, protecting oil and gas reservoirs, and preventing environmental pollution. With the continuous development of drilling technology and the improvement of environmental protection requirements, the research and application of drilling and production additives will also continue to progress and improve.

Dongsheng Petroleum Drilling and Production

We are a professional manufacturer of oilfield drilling and production additives series products

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